National building regulations and building standards act, 1977 act no. This site is like a library, you could find million book here by using search box in the header. Download regulations sans10400building regulations south. The act also specifies several offences that owners of buildings need to avoid, including the need for fire extinguishers that comply with sans 10105. Withdrawal of sans 1200 and sans 10120 as a south african. Document number sans 10400h pdf book manual free download. Document number sans 10400 h reference 75 10400 hsp date of circulation 20111220 closing date 20120221 number and title. Marina, insulation is not specified in part l of sans 10400 roofs. The little green book grey book nowadays or sans 1014 part 1 as it was known so. This site is like a library, you could find million book here by using search box in the. Kitchens archives sans10400building regulations south africa. The fire resistance of plaster quoted in sans 10400 t fire protection assumes that the plaster is in accordance with the provisions of sans 2001em1. The application of the national building regulations that apply to floors part j of sans 10400 are certainly not exhaustive.
Includes an example solution based upon a real world scenario to demonstrate the procedure. Building regulations as they apply to roofspart l when the south african national building regulations were updated by the department of trade and industry in may 2008, the general requirement relating to roofs was changed to incorporate certain safety elements. Sans 10400 institute for timber construction itcsa. Sans 10400 q nonwater means of sanitary disposal ventilated improved pit toilets. In order to promote public education and public safety, equal justice for all, a better informed citizenry, the rule of law, world trade and world peace, this legal document is hereby made available on a noncommercial basis, as it is the right of all humans to. Please note this will not be used for spam but any important building news might be passed on to you. Lighting and ventilation name of standards organization. Perhaps contact insulation companies to find out their take on the situation. Read online document number sans 10400 h book pdf free download link book now. Sans 10400 part p, drainage, plumbing, sanitation and water disposal drainage and plumbing is not only what you see above ground. N national or i international a amendment, ac corrigendum on amendment, c corrigendum, d addendum, e erratum, i information sheet, k collective amendment, s supplement. To comply with the sabs recent sans 10400 xa regulations, the building control officer will require the architectdeveloper to provide a calculation to prove that the rvalue for a plastered cavity wall meetsexceeds the requirement of 0. Sabs webstore, online store, standards sales, south african standards, sans standards, sabs standards. Would like to know if it is a legal requirement to.
Jul 05, 2017 the requirements of the act will be deemed to have been satisfied if the design, construction and equipment of buildings complies with sans 10400 part t and satisfies the local authority. Click here to download an abridged version of the catalogue comprising a numerical list of standards as well as a withdrawn standards list pdf file size 3. Date scope acknowledgement the sabs standards division wishes to acknowledge the work of the south african institution of. Because this part of sans 10142 is co ntinually updated, problems can arise on which version of. Two years later, the bulk of sabs documents explaining how designers and builders should interpret the regulations, were still not available and they were forced to refer to sabs 04001990, that had been renamed sans 10400 1990. A guide to the home building manual 1 the south african housing landscape 11 1.
Public enquiry stage document number sans 10400 h reference 75 10400 hsp date of circulation 20111220 closing date 20120221. Here is a brief explanation with a few screenshots that we hope will help you get the documents that you would like to download. In order to promote public education and public safety, equal justice for all, a better informed citizenry, the rule of law, world trade and world peace, this legal document is hereby made available on a noncommercial basis, as it is the right of all humans to know and speak the laws that govern them. Sans 10400 xa, sans 204, health and safety policy, health and safety manual, iso quality manual and other iso documents o n line quote we provide this online quote tool for you to get a instant quote to draw your house plans. Download sans10400a forms 1 to 4 updated protected optitect book pdf free download link or read online here in pdf. Buying of standards during national lockdown please note that all sans standards can still be purchased as pdf files from sabs webstore.
Thus for commercial reasons, units of reduced width are being made which are nonmodular and nonimperial, such as 222 x 90 x73 mm that satisfy the minimum requirements of sans 10400. This excel spreadsheet will allow you to calculate your r value. The application of the national building regulations part o. Each section of sans 10400, the code of practice for the application of the national building regulations nbr is presented with the relevant extract from the building regulations which is law, and is then followed by a general commentary explaining how the. Municipality archives sans10400building regulations south.
Over time most of the current standards have been re. Installation, replacement and repair of hot water system compliance tables due to the numerous changes in compliance and the regulationsstandards as noted above and more so due to the critical safety and hazard aspects of pressurised hot water storage vessel, much area of focus has been place on the hot. In fact, if you think of how much of our house is floor, its what we might, in south africa, describe as a biekie min. Southern african steel construction handbook 61 green book. Recognition of standards development organizations sdos in south africa. Sans 10400 sans10400building regulations south africa.
Even though the new building regulations have been mandatory since october 2008, mid2011 the sabs was still progressively updating its lengthy code of practice. The fire resistance of plaster quoted in sans 10400t fire protection assumes that the plaster is in. The implications of building retaining walls part k of sans 10400, walls in the national building regulations nbr covers the structural strength and stability of all walls, including those that form part of a house or other building, and both. Area classification is not difficult to make a mess of johannes auret, explolabs consulting 1 introduction area classification called classification of hazardous locations in our mines is quite simply, the most important part of explosion prevention. Sans 10400a svg, 2010, the application of the national building regulations part a. The application of the national building regulations part t. Sans 10400 set the application of the national building. We provide basic documentation and contracts templates e. The amended legislation was published on may 30, 2008 and it came into operation on october 1 the same year. Sans 10400h foundations foundation walls sans 10400k walls sans 10400p drainage conservancy and septic tanks sans 10400q nonwater means of sanitary disposal ventilated improved pit toilets. While the nbr are only available from the south african bureau of standards sabs. Building type is defined by the occupancy hospital, office etc as defined in sans 10400 a, and the climate zone is as per a map that originated from work done by dr dieter holm of the csir.
There are 21 parts that currently comprise sans 10400. Facilities for persons with disabilities 1 scope this part of sans 10400 provides deemedtosatisfy requirements for compliance with part s facilities. Hot dip galvanized coatings on fabricated iron and steel articles specifications and test methods 60 red book. The old and the new building regulations for dummies back by popular demand, bruce clark, local sustainability architect, saia practice committee. All books are in clear copy here, and all files are secure so dont worry about it. Sans 10400 b sans 10400 h the detailed requirements of sans 10400 j or a competent person civil engineer is to be appointed in respect of the slabs or fills. Date scope foreword this south african standard was approved by national committee sabs sc 59g, construction standards energy efficiency and energy use in the built environment, in accordance with procedures of the sabs standards division, in compliance with annex 3 of the wtotbt. Download the amendments to the sans10400 part x and part xa of 9th september 2011 here. Read online the national building regulations sans 10400.
Sans as opposed to the sabs designation used previously. Sans204 energy efficiency in buildings article by mike barker, simulations by robert arnott buildingphysics sans204. Records and log books shall be kept of the commissioning information. But the latter dates from 2011, so if your building is older than i dont think they had to insulate. Click here to download the full catalogue zip file size 9. Each section of sans 10400, the code of practice for the application of the national building regulations nbr is presented with the relevant extract from the building regulations which is law, and is then followed by a general commentary explaining how the law should be interpreted to satisfy the law. If you want to know more about these important regulations, have a look at the dropdown menu under sans 10400 nbr sa.
South african bureau of standards legally binding document. All new buildings will have to comply with the performance parameters, which means that insulation will have to be installed to achieve the stipulated rvalues. Please note that all sans standards can still be purchased as pdf files from sabs webstore. Read online sans10400a forms 1 to 4 updated protected optitect book pdf free download link book now. Part 2 and 3 go on to explain the required approach to the building envelope design. Sabs is a leading global provider of standards, management systems, business improvement and regulatory approval information. Download regulations sans10400building regulations. Sanscalc desktop is an easy to use program that is designed to help professionals not only perform sans 10400 xa and sans 204 calculations, but also to report on projects for building plan submission, construction and management purposes.
The application of the national building regulations 24 sans 10109 1. Public safety standards of the republic of south africa. Sans archives sans10400building regulations south africa. The application of the national building regulations. Sans 10400, to align its application with the amended regulations, users are hereby. The application of the national building regulations part r. Download document number sans 10400 h book pdf free download link or read online here in pdf. Sans 10400 o, the application of the national building regulations part o. The requirements of the act will be deemed to have been satisfied if the design, construction and equipment of buildings complies with sans 10400 part t and satisfies the local authority. It is though in the new xa specs which deal with energy. Document downloads building regulations south africa.
Download the national building regulations sans 10400. Plumbing regulations documentation all pirb registered practitioners shall have in their possession the current compulsory sans codes of practice, building regulations and local water bylaws documentation for ease of reference copy of these can be purchasedobtained from the south african bureau of standards. Sans 10400 a, the application of the national building regulations part a. Sans 10400 k, the application of the national building regulations part k. Waterproofing archives sans10400building regulations south. Sans 10400, the application of national building regulations. Part 2 of sans 10142 has now been developed for voltages of up to 22 kv and power up to 3000 kw. Fire protection 1 scope this part of sans 10400 provides deemedtosatisfy requirements for compliance with part t fire. In view of operational limitations caused by the lockdown. We get a number of questions from our viewers as to how to register to download documents. Calculate rvalue sabs sans10400xa clay brick association. The energy efficiency legislation for new buildings sans 10400 xa has been published by the regulator nrcs.
1078 395 710 3 1276 1334 1060 442 336 156 1290 1355 1173 961 248 479 890 1171 1633 655 1639 1336 420 124 74 712 67 261 124 980 1136 886 353 1268 1020 606 455 725